Networking Platform

Networking Platform

The aim of ALMPG is to build a strong community of all Professionals and we work hard to provide them with a platform to converge. We want our platform to be the easiest way to communicate people from the same industry. Our members find ALMPG community enhances their online presence and aid in effective networking for their career. We have made available several resources ranging from posts to discussion board to webinars where members can interact with each other. We are glad that our members bring forward their experiences, information, and resources and extend them to all those seeking help. Are you willing to be a part of such an exciting community? You may join us in one of the several ways listed below:

  • Refer job openings at your company or in your professional circle
  • Provide counseling and guidance
  • Share technical/professional resources that are available to you
  • Conduct workshops or sessions for topics you are good at
  • Provide advice on job/work related issues
  • If you are the one seeking help then you are at the right place with the right people. Go ahead and write down to us about your problem/issue.